Land of Dragons

Far Horizon takes you on a unique journey through the beautiful and picturesque kingdom of Bhutan - one of the last Shangri-las of the world. This Himalayan kingdom is a preserve of the living history of the Lamaistic Buddhist culture. Immerse yourself in the unique culture of Bhutan – visit Thimphu, Punakha and Paro. See beautiful crafts at the School of Arts and Crafts and the Institute for Zorig Chusum (school of arts and crafts). Temples and monasteries abound in this beautiful land. From Bhutan we go to the glorious state of Assam - Far Horizon gives you the unique experience of exploring Assam as you cruise along the Brahmaputra River, with visits to tea plantations, Kaziranga wild life sanctuary, temples and monasteries. Experience the rich diversity of Assam as you sail down the river on the M.V Mahabaahu and meet the simple folk who inhabit this land.

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